Yesterday we took an early morning walk through the Wild Life Refuge The only wild life around was Dennis. (that's not a bad thing).
Our kitchen cabinets have shaken loose and appear to be at risk of falling. This is not an entirely new issue. This spring when we traveling through Texas they were shaking loose and were coming loose from the wall. So we fixed them by putting in a few screws and a couple of brackets. We said "let's see how that works" and promptly forgot about it. Now we notice that the same thing seems to be happening again. Well, we do not claim skills in carpentry and it is not obvious how this would best be done. So we spend a lot of time trying things that seem like they would help but in practice don't really seem to be doing what we want. So after further study we tighten up everything that we can and add a couple more brackets - hopefully better placed this time. We did get over some pretty bad roads before they came loose this time. We hope that this will hold them until we get a chance to replace them or get them fixed by someone with actual experience and/or skills in doing this kind of thing.
On Sunday we had contacted friends Barb and Mel Gibb about their property on the Kenai , they said that we could stay on the property but there would be no hook-ups. We took a drive in the am and were not able to locate the exact site, however, we did see a moose standing in the river. She was very accommodating by letting us take as many pictures as we wanted.

After returning to the bus, sent Barb an email and she replied back with the address and off we went again in the late afternoon and were able to locate the site. Really nice. On our return to the campground we had an up close encounter with a moose and her calf, was a close call.
We had thought we would go to Homer for a few days, but when we checked into campgrounds there, we found that they were either pricey or lacking in amenities. It also would have put us moving on or just before the 4th of July weekend. In the process of deciding what to do we happened to talk with the manager of the park here who said that we could stay here for a few days for the member extended rate which is not bad for this area, especially on a holiday weekend so we paid to stay at this park in Soldotna until the 5th. During our stay here we plan at least one more day trip to Homer. After that we will probably go to Mel and Barb's which is just a few miles away for a couple of days before moving on, probably to Seward.