Fortunately the smoke eased up by the time we got to Whitehorse making is easier to enjoy our visit. We are staying at Pioneer RV Park near Whitehorse. This is a nice park with large full hookup sites and good wifi and cable tv included in the price. They also have amenities like discount fuel, car wash and pet wash, all of which we have had occasion to use. They even have an oil change facility and mechanic at the park. Dennis was happy about this as we are due for an oil change, grease and general servicing which he was going to himself at his parents house when we get back to Washington. He talked with the shop where they are quite familiar with MCI buses as the park owner also has a tour bus service. And their prices were good so we had them do the needed maintenance and also do an inspections for any other potential problems. The bad news is that they did identify a couple of items that will need attention but not urgently, so we will get them taken care of later.
We visited the Copperbelt Railway and Mining Museum including a train ride. We visited some of the interesting parks and saw the world's largest fish ladder.

this is some old copper mining equipment used to work the mine below.

We also stopped by the see the SS KLONDIKE

and also visited the old log church in downtown Whitehorse:

Dennis spent a couple of fascinating hours going through the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Center today. We could easily have spent more time in Whitehorse but we need to move on tomorrow.
Looks like you missed the best fish and chip dinner while you guys were in Whitehorse. Can't recall the name right now but I'm sure it is on our blog. Klondike .....something, I think. Safe travels you two.